What Is The Best Way To Safely Store Ghee At Home?

Ghee is a great ingredient to have at your disposal in the kitchen, it can add depth and flavour to many different dishes and can last for a very long time if stored correctly.

Whether you buy your ghee or make it yourself, proper storage is vital to ensuring it maintains its quality and doesn’t spoil. If stored correctly it can remain shelf stable for long periods of time.

The first step to keeping your ghee usable and delicious is to store it in the right container. An airtight glass jar is your best bet as these are food-safe and strong and will prevent the ghee from spoiling, but an airtight stainless steel container is also a good option.

If you purchase your ghee it will likely come in a jar already, but if you make it yourself you should make sure you properly clean and sterilise the jar before transferring the ghee into it.

Ghee should be kept in a cool, dark place. Keeping away from light and heat sources as this can damage the vitamins present in the ghee. A dark, cool cupboard is the best place to keep your ghee.

Refrigeration isn’t necessary as ghee is shelf stable, however, it may extend the life of your ghee so you may wish to store it in the fridge anyway.

You should try and prevent moisture from entering the container you keep your ghee in as this can cause bacteria to grow in the ghee, spoiling it. Use a clean dry utensil when removing ghee from the container and try not to spill anything inside.
